Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Contoh Differensial dengan Fortran

!  Driver program: Calculates first- or second-order derivatives
!  for a function defined in ni base points
!  Method: based on explicit differentiation of Lagrange interpolation
!  AG: October 2009
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ni=101    ! initial arrays size for interpolation
integer, parameter :: nc=21  ! number of points where derivatives to be calc.
double precision xmin, xmax  ! interval
double precision xi(ni), yi(ni)
double precision x, yx, yxx, step, f, deriv3
double precision fx, fxx
integer i, j

! open files
!open (unit=1, file='table01.dat')
!open (unit=2, file='table02.dat')

xmin =  0.0
xmax =  3.1415926

!   step 1: generate xi and yi from f(x) xmin, xmax, nint
step = (xmax-xmin)/float(ni-1)
do i=1,ni
  xi(i) = xmin + step*float(i-1)
  yi(i) = f(xi(i))
!  write (*,200) xi(i), yi(i)
end do

!  step 2: calculate derivatives
step = (xmax-xmin)/float(nc-1)
write (*,202)
do i=1, nc
  x = xmin + step*float(i-1)
  yx = cos(x)
  fx = deriv3(x, xi, yi, ni, 1)
  yxx = -sin(x)
  fxx= deriv3(x, xi, yi, ni, 2)
  write (*,201) x, yx, fx, yxx, fxx
end do

200 format (2f12.5)
201 format (7f12.5)
202 format ('       x           fx         fx_num', &
            '      fxx        fxx_num')
!203 format (' Orders of divided difference interpolation')


!  Function f(x)
  function f(x)
  implicit none
  double precision f, x
  f = sin(x)

  function deriv3(xx, xi, yi, ni, m)
! Evaluate first- or second-order derivatives
! using three-point Lagrange interpolation
! written by: Alex Godunov (October 2009)
! input ...
! xx    - the abscissa at which the interpolation is to be evaluated
! xi()  - the arrays of data abscissas
! yi()  - the arrays of data ordinates
! ni - size of the arrays xi() and yi()
! m  - order of a derivative (1 or 2)
! output ...
! deriv3  - interpolated value

implicit none
integer, parameter :: n=3
double precision deriv3, xx
integer ni, m
double precision xi(ni), yi(ni)
double precision x(n), f(n)
integer i, j, k, ix

! exit if too high-order derivative was needed,
if (m > 2) then
  deriv3 = 0.0
end if

! if x is ouside the xi(1)-xi(ni) interval set deriv3=0.0
if (xx < xi(1) .or. xx > xi(ni)) then
  deriv3 = 0.0
end if

! a binary (bisectional) search to find i so that xi(i-1) < x < xi(i)
i = 1
j = ni
do while (j > i+1)
  k = (i+j)/2
  if (xx < xi(k)) then
    j = k
    i = k
  end if
end do

! shift i that will correspond to n-th order of interpolation
! the search point will be in the middle in x_i, x_i+1, x_i+2 ...
  i = i + 1 - n/2

! check boundaries: if i is ouside of the range [1, ... n] -> shift i
if (i < 1) i=1
if (i + n > ni) i=ni-n+1

!  old output to test i
!  write(*,100) xx, i
!  100 format (f10.5, I5)

! just wanted to use index i
ix = i

! initialization of f(n) and x(n)
do i=1,n
  f(i) = yi(ix+i-1)
  x(i) = xi(ix+i-1)
end do

! calculate the first-order derivative using Lagrange interpolation
if (m == 1) then
    deriv3 =          (2.0*xx - (x(2)+x(3)))*f(1)/((x(1)-x(2))*(x(1)-x(3)))
    deriv3 = deriv3 + (2.0*xx - (x(1)+x(3)))*f(2)/((x(2)-x(1))*(x(2)-x(3)))
    deriv3 = deriv3 + (2.0*xx - (x(1)+x(2)))*f(3)/((x(3)-x(1))*(x(3)-x(2)))
! calculate the second-order derivative using Lagrange interpolation
    deriv3 =          2.0*f(1)/((x(1)-x(2))*(x(1)-x(3)))
    deriv3 = deriv3 + 2.0*f(2)/((x(2)-x(1))*(x(2)-x(3)))
    deriv3 = deriv3 + 2.0*f(3)/((x(3)-x(1))*(x(3)-x(2)))
end if
end function deriv3


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