Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Convert Cinema 4D r15 from Prime to Studio

If you encountered an error with the "Cmotion Plugin" (ID 1021824) in Cinema 4d r15 or another standard plugin, or if you want to convert/upgrade yout Prime version to the Studio one, just do these steps:

1. Go to Help - Personalize
2. Paste the following code:

Cinema4D Studio : 14500083078-FSPX-NNSN-JWMP-VJMJ

3. Click Ok
4. Restart your Cinema 4D

If you want to change to another version, just change the Serial Number from one of these:

Cinema4D Prime : 10500083078-CNMV-BJTB-BMHL-CMBW
Cinema4D Broadcast : 16500083078-CKKP-BXKR-HJTL-MSTC
Cinema4D Visualize : 15500083078-FGFD-TZNP-NDPB-GZRD
Cinema4D Studio : 14500083078-FSPX-NNSN-JWMP-VJMJ
BodyPaint 3D : 11500083078-DDDX-WPCM-MPBJ-RVLW
NET Render : 30500083078-FVPW-LCBJ-RGTP-PPKM

Don't Paste All, choose one!!!

2 komentar

ohmygod thank you so much, really helpful to me


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